
Maps are usually provided on a website to show locations of stores, offices, the outreach of an organization and so on. This helps users to find information about the exact location of an address.
Since there could be limitations in accessibility of maps for screen reader users, it is necessary to provide textual equivalent of all information including locations and directions to reach them covered in the map. These can be provided in the form of plain text or links that navigate to the information.
- New to accessibility or uncertain of requirements, it will be helpful to review all sections below.
- Already familiar with requirements, skip to the “Working Example” section for sample HTML, CSS and JavaScript (when needed), along with a working demo.
Maps CAN be embedded within an
element having a descriptive title using the title attribute. For example, a Ggoogle map can be embedded on a page. For more information on implementing iframes, refer Frames component.
Note: Since the maps that are embedded on a page are generally 3rd party APIs. There will be limitation over the control on the code of such maps. Hence, it’s best to avoid it unless an interactive map is MUST requirement on the page. -
and a descriptive name for the map usingaria-label
in case there is no visible text to name the map region. Alternatively,aria-labelledby
CAN be used to name the region by referencing the id attribute value of the visible text. - If a map (e.g., Google Maps) is embedded on the page which is used to provide directions, the addresses along with directions in the form of plain text adjoining the map SHOULD be provided as an alternate means to acquire the information.
- If there are image maps used on the page, a descriptive alternate text for all images SHOULD be provided for such a map. For more information on providing textual description for all kinds of images, refer to Images and Labels - Images components.
If a map is used to provide locations, then we CAN also use a client-side image
map. This type of map includes links to different locations embedded within an image. This is
implemented using
element. To make this image map accessible, add alt or title attribute within each<area>
element. - If a map is used to provide data, then that information CAN be provided in the form of long description provided beside the image. This can be in the form of a table, running text and so on.
- Color SHOULD NOT be the only medium to convey information. For more information on using colors to depict information in maps, refer to the Color Alone component.
- The color contrast requirement SHOULD be met for text and non-text content. For more information on textual and non-textual contrast requirements, refer to the Color Contrast component.
- The interactive elements used within the maps MUST meet accessibility requirements. For more information on implementing interactive controls in the map, refer to Links, Forms, Buttons with identical name, Toggle buttons, and Keyboard components.
- If there are any dynamic updates happening on Maps, it SHOULD be programmatically defined. For more information on providing updates for users, refer Alerts, Notifications and Dynamic Update components.
- All the interactive elements MUST have a visible focus indicator. For more information on the implementation of visible focus indicators, refer to the Focus Indicator component.
A well-defined map majorly benefits the below users.
- People with cognitive disabilities
- People with visual disabilities
- People using keyboard only
- People with limited dexterity
- People using speech input
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<div class="mapDisplay">
<h2>About Pearson Clinical Assessment</h2>
<p>At Pearson, we partner with professionals who work in schools and education, health, justice/corrections, government departments, as well as private practitioners, at every level to help enhance instruction and improve learning outcomes.Currently, we have offices in the following locations:</p>
viewBox="0 0 783.086 400.649"
<g fill="#9c9c9c" stroke="black">
<path d="m346.72 131.38l-3.377 4.501-2.25 2.251-4.501 2.475-0.676 2.026s-1.801 1.801-1.575 2.927 0.226 3.151 0.226 3.151-3.151 2.926-4.502 3.826c-1.351 0.9-3.152 2.926-3.152 2.926s-1.125 1.351-1.8 1.801c-0.675 0.449-1.8 1.8-2.701 3.151s-1.801 2.25-2.251 2.925-1.801 2.251-2.476 4.727c-0.675 2.477-2.476 5.402-2.476 5.402l-0.451 1.125c0.226 3.827 0.225 4.502 0.676 5.853 0.45 1.35 0.901 0.899 0.45 3.826-0.45 2.925-0.45 4.051-0.9 5.402-0.45 1.349-1.801 3.825-2.25 4.952-0.451 1.125 0.9 3.15 0.9 3.15s0.676 2.927 0.225 3.602c-0.45 0.676 0.225 2.026 0.225 2.026s2.701 1.575 3.602 2.476c0.9 0.9 2.476 2.251 2.701 2.926 0.226 0.676 2.026 3.827 2.251 4.502s2.026 3.15 2.476 3.826c0.45 0.676 2.701 3.152 2.701 3.152s2.926 2.249 3.602 3.15c0.675 0.9 2.701 1.35 3.375 2.025 0.676 0.675 2.251 0.449 3.151 1.126 0.901 0.675 2.701-0.451 3.602 0 0.9 0.45 3.377-0.45 4.052-0.9s2.25-2.025 3.376-1.351c1.125 0.674 1.8 0 2.701 0.225 0.899 0.225 2.25-0.899 3.15-0.899 0.901 0 3.151-0.901 3.826-0.901 0.676 0 2.927-1.352 3.828-1.352 0.899 0 2.025-0.898 3.15-0.449s0.675-0.899 2.701-0.225 2.701 0 3.376 0.674c0.676 0.676 1.577 0.002 2.252 0.902 0.675 0.899 1.8 1.574 2.025 2.475 0.224 0.901 1.575 1.802 1.575 1.802l1.351 0.224s1.802-1.35 2.251-0.449c0.45 0.9 2.476 0.676 2.476 0.676l2.025 2.25 0.676 0.9s1.351 3.602 1.125 4.952c-0.225 1.35-0.225 4.276-0.9 4.951-0.675 0.676-1.125 3.602-1.125 3.602s-0.901 0.9 1.125 2.701c2.026 1.802 3.377 3.376 4.052 4.275 0.676 0.901 2.477 3.378 2.7 4.953 0.226 1.575 0.676 2.475 1.577 4.501 0.9 2.026 2.025 2.251 2.25 4.503 0.226 2.25 0.675 2.251 0.45 3.825-0.225 1.576-0.9 1.801-0.225 2.926 0.675 1.126 1.574 3.152 1.351 3.827-0.225 0.675-0.676 3.601-0.676 3.601l-0.45 1.351-2.025 3.828-1.351 2.024c-0.45 1.575-1.35 3.151-1.125 5.402 0.224 2.251-1.125 2.25 0.675 4.5 1.801 2.252 2.7 4.728 3.826 6.754 1.126 2.025 1.801 4.051 2.025 5.401 0.226 1.351 1.126 1.802 1.576 3.602 0.449 1.801 0.675 2.7 0.675 3.826 0 1.125-0.226 4.052 0.226 4.727 0.449 0.675 0.675 2.702 0.9 3.602 0.225 0.901-0.676 1.126 0.675 2.702 1.351 1.575 2.251 2.475 3.151 3.601s0.675 0.675 1.351 2.251c0.675 1.575 1.575 2.477 1.801 3.826 0.225 1.35 0.449 4.726 1.125 6.302 0.675 1.576 1.575 3.152 1.575 3.152s2.477 1.575 3.377 1.35c0.899-0.225 2.701-2.249 4.052-1.575 1.351 0.675 2.476 0 3.601 0s2.251-1.351 3.377-1.351c1.125 0 2.7-1.801 3.602-1.35 0.9 0.449 2.024-0.452 3.15-1.577 1.126-1.124 1.801-2.024 3.826-3.825 2.026-1.801 1.801-1.802 3.151-2.927 1.351-1.126 2.702-3.602 4.277-4.052s2.025-2.024 2.475-3.15c0.451-1.126 0.675-1.801 1.351-2.702 0.676-0.899 0.225 0.228 1.351-2.7 1.126-2.927 2.478-4.051 3.603-4.727 1.125-0.675 1.8-2.025 2.475-2.251s1.801 0.675 1.351-1.351c-0.449-2.025 0-4.951-0.449-5.626-0.451-0.677-1.127 1.574-0.901-1.803 0.227-3.375 2.701-6.752 2.701-6.752s3.376-4.276 4.502-4.951 1.35-1.35 2.927-2.251c1.574-0.899 4.951-3.15 4.951-4.276s1.351-4.052 1.351-4.728c0-0.675 0-1.35-0.449-5.177-0.451-3.825 0.449-2.926-0.901-6.527s-1.577-8.103-2.476-9.228c-0.901-1.126-0.451-4.053-0.451-4.952 0-0.9 1.577-3.151 2.252-4.051 0.675-0.901 3.601-4.503 3.601-4.503s4.501-5.176 6.077-7.651c1.576-2.477 3.151-4.727 4.276-5.627 1.126-0.9 3.827-2.928 5.402-5.178 1.576-2.25 4.727-6.526 4.953-7.203 0.224-0.674 2.024-2.925 2.024-2.925s2.476-2.927 2.927-4.502c0.449-1.576 2.699-10.354 2.249-9.904-0.448 0.451-3.15 0.9-4.051 1.125-0.899 0.226 1.352 1.125-5.177 0.676-6.526-0.451-9.902 0.675-9.902 0.675-2.027-0.451-3.602 1.8-4.278-1.351-0.675-3.15-1.126-4.951-2.475-7.202-1.351-2.251-2.252-3.151-4.276-6.078-2.025-2.925-1.802-1.576-3.603-3.825-1.8-2.251-2.251-1.577-3.376-4.502-1.125-2.926-2.025-1.8-3.376-5.852-1.351-4.053-2.251-4.503-2.926-6.753-0.676-2.25-1.575-2.927-2.026-4.952-0.45-2.026-5.626-12.379-6.302-13.055-0.676-0.674-1.801-4.277-1.576-3.601 0.226 0.675 3.377 2.926 3.377 2.926s1.8-0.676 2.476-0.676c0.675 0 3.376 2.477 3.376 3.376 0 0.901 4.729 5.178 5.853 8.329 1.125 3.151 2.478 5.402 2.701 6.302s2.476 4.502 3.377 5.853c0.899 1.351 3.825 4.051 4.275 5.402s4.728 5.852 4.728 8.778c0 2.926 2.024 6.752 2.25 7.652s4.276 2.027 4.276 2.027l5.403-1.351s8.102-5.178 9.003-5.178c0.899 0 8.104-3.376 8.104-3.376s2.925-2.7 4.95-4.275c2.026-1.576 4.277-4.501 4.728-5.853 0.449-1.351 1.35-1.575 3.15-3.602 1.801-2.026 4.277-4.051 2.702-5.402-1.576-1.35-2.477-0.9-4.727-3.151-2.251-2.25-2.026-1.8-3.602-4.727-1.576-2.925 0.225-6.302-3.152-2.925-3.375 3.376-2.025 4.276-5.402 4.953-3.375 0.674-4.727 2.925-6.302 0.674s-3.15-0.9-4.052-4.277c-0.9-3.376-1.576-3.602-1.8-4.951-0.224-1.351 0-1.351-1.801-4.728-1.8-3.376-0.45-8.553 0.675-5.627 1.126 2.926 2.926 3.376 5.853 5.402 2.925 2.025 4.277 3.602 6.977 3.827 2.701 0.224 4.952 0 5.402 0.449 0.45 0.451 0.9-0.224 2.026 0.225 1.126 0.451 1.574-0.674 2.025 1.125 0.45 1.801 2.926 2.026 4.051 3.151 1.126 1.125 1.126 0.676 4.053 1.125 2.927 0.451 6.979 0.451 6.979 0.451l4.275-0.226 4.952 0.449s3.603 2.026 4.502 2.026c0.9 0 1.125 2.477 3.376 3.827 2.251 1.351 2.701 1.575 4.051 3.151 1.353 1.576 1.126 2.251 2.926 3.826 1.802 1.577 4.729-0.224 5.179-0.898 0.448-0.676 2.699-1.801 2.251 0-0.451 1.8 2.249 1.124 1.574 5.402-0.675 4.275-1.126 3.15 0 6.077 1.125 2.926 6.077 11.929 6.303 14.63s1.575 1.801 1.8 4.278c0.226 2.475 1.575 3.375 1.575 5.176s1.577 2.25 1.801 3.602c0.227 1.351 2.702 0.224 3.377 0 0.676-0.226 3.826-3.152 3.826-3.152s1.353-0.449 1.126-2.701c-0.226-2.249 0-1.8 0-5.176s-1.35-3.376-0.675-6.751c0.675-3.376 2.475-5.403 2.926-6.978 0.45-1.575 2.251-4.276 3.15-4.502 0.9-0.225 5.853-2.7 6.979-4.277 1.125-1.575 2.926-3.376 4.727-5.176 1.8-1.8 4.951-4.051 5.627-3.376 0.675 0.675 0.45 0.45 1.576 0.45 1.125 0 3.151 0.901 4.726 1.126 1.576 0.225 4.728 4.051 5.403 6.077s0.225 1.575 2.701 4.502c2.476 2.925 4.727 1.124 4.727 4.726s0 3.376 1.126 4.727c1.125 1.351 2.475-2.476 3.825-2.025s1.575-0.45 2.7 3.151c1.125 3.602 1.8 3.602 2.027 7.203 0.224 3.601-0.226 0.225-0.226 3.15 0 2.927-0.226 3.152 0.226 5.852 0.449 2.703 2.023 3.603 1.8 4.053 0 0 1.35-3.826 0.899-6.528-0.448-2.7 0-6.526 1.126-7.651 1.125-1.127 2.252-2.251 3.151 0.675 0.901 2.925 1.351 0.675 3.376 4.051 2.027 3.377 3.827 2.7 4.052 4.276s1.353 1.802 2.926 3.151c1.576 1.351 2.926-0.224 4.727-1.575 1.802-1.351 6.752-6.303 6.979-8.329 0.224-2.025 2.25-1.576-1.352-6.751-3.602-5.177-3.602-6.978-7.428-10.129-3.824-3.151-6.076-3.376-3.149-7.428 2.926-4.052 4.277-6.752 6.077-5.626 1.801 1.125 4.95 0.899 4.95 5.402 0 4.501-0.9 9.453 2.251 4.051s4.728-8.553 3.826-7.651c-0.899 0.9 2.026-1.801 2.026-1.801s0.226-2.026 4.053-2.926c3.825-0.902 4.95-1.351 6.302-2.026 1.35-0.676 5.177-5.178 5.852-7.203 0.675-2.026 2.476-5.627 2.026-7.202-0.45-1.577-2.702-9.228-3.152-9.004-0.449 0.226-0.224 0.226-3.149-2.925-2.928-3.151-4.953-5.402-5.403-6.753s-1.576-1.576-0.226-3.376c1.352-1.8 2.027-1.575 2.252-3.151 0.224-1.575 2.024-2.926-1.352-1.8-3.375 1.125-0.9 0.451-3.826 0.226-2.926-0.226-10.578 1.575-6.751-3.151 3.825-4.727 4.949-7.652 5.625-7.652 0.677 0 4.053-3.827 4.277-0.226 0.226 3.601 1.575 2.7 1.801 4.951s4.727-2.475 4.727-2.475 1.575 0.45 2.7 1.575c1.126 1.125 1.126 4.727 1.126 4.727s-0.9-1.126 1.576 0.675c2.477 1.802 5.176 0.9 5.176 4.727 0 3.826 0 4.052 1.576 4.952 1.577 0.9 3.15 0.451 4.503-0.675 1.35-1.125 3.6-5.177 3.6-5.177s0.225-1.576-3.376-3.827c-3.601-2.25-5.852-3.825-7.201-4.951-1.352-1.125-0.901-4.501 0.448-5.853 1.353-1.351 2.026-2.026 1.576-3.826-0.451-1.802 0.676-3.152 4.052-2.927 3.376 0.226 4.051-0.224 4.051-0.224s0.677 0.449 0.677-0.901c0-1.35 4.275-7.653 3.149-7.653-1.125 0 0.228-1.575-0.45-4.051-0.675-2.477 2.251-6.302-0.224-8.103-2.476-1.801-3.152-2.702-4.727-5.402-1.575-2.702-1.352-3.151-7.203-3.827-5.852-0.675-8.553 1.351-9.904-0.449-1.351-1.801-2.025 2.7-2.925-2.702s1.351-9.004 1.351-9.004 3.601-2.25 4.5-3.826c0.9-1.576 4.501-2.251 7.43-1.125 2.926 1.125 7.201 0.9 10.804 1.577 3.601 0.674 3.376 2.925 5.177 0 1.8-2.928 0-4.277 1.35-5.853 1.352-1.576 2.926-4.052 4.051-2.477 1.125 1.577 3.379 3.151 5.18 1.125 1.8-2.025 2.475-2.25 2.475-2.25l0.898 0.901s2.026-1.127 2.026 0.898c0 2.027 2.027 4.278 0.901 5.853-1.127 1.577-2.7 1.351-2.7 5.177 0 3.828 0 3.152 2.474 6.304 2.477 3.15 4.052 0.449 4.502 3.826 0.451 3.376 0.899 2.702 3.377 4.952 2.476 2.25 2.024 2.25 3.826 3.601 1.801 1.351 2.702 2.702 2.702 0.451s0.225-3.376 0-5.402c-0.227-2.025 1.801-3.602 0.448-6.978-1.35-3.376-0.224-3.151-2.925-5.627-2.702-2.475-4.503 0.451-5.401-3.151-0.901-3.601 4.275-5.177 5.627-5.627 1.35-0.449 3.374-3.151 3.824-1.35 0.451 1.8-3.375 8.328 3.153 1.35 6.526-6.977 3.601-4.051 3.601-4.051s3.376-0.45 4.051 0c0.674 0.451 2.478-2.026 1.8-1.8-0.675 0.226-7.2-3.602-7.2-3.602l-4.729-2.7s1.577-1.126 2.702-0.9c1.126 0.225 1.352-2.251 2.478-2.477 1.125-0.225 8.777 1.577 10.354 2.477 1.575 0.9 7.201 1.125 6.525 0.675-0.675-0.451-4.275-3.151-4.501-4.052-0.224-0.9-8.103-2.701-10.578-2.476-2.477 0.224-4.726 0.899-6.752 0.224-2.027-0.675-4.952-2.476-6.528-2.476-1.575 0-21.382-3.826-22.282-3.601s-2.252 4.501-2.927 3.826c-0.675-0.675-1.8-0.676-4.953-1.576-3.149-0.9-7.427-1.576-13.055-2.025-5.626-0.45-9.451 0.45-11.027-1.351-1.576-1.8-4.951-1.125-8.778-1.351-3.826-0.224-8.328 0-10.354 0s-6.751-0.224-7.877-0.45-2.476-1.801-3.826-2.025c-1.352-0.226-1.127-0.675-3.827-1.125-2.701-0.451-2.476-3.376-3.376-0.901-0.9 2.477-0.451 1.801-1.801 2.701-1.351 0.901-2.701 2.701-3.602 2.701-0.899 0-4.5 0.225-5.177-0.225-0.676-0.45-1.801-0.9-4.052-0.9s-2.251 0.224-5.177-0.226-5.177-0.226-7.878-1.575c-2.701-1.351-2.701-2.251-4.952-2.026-2.249 0.226-2.249-0.45-5.402-0.45-3.15 0-6.976 1.801-9.003 2.026-2.024 0.225-6.526-0.226-8.102-0.901-1.577-0.675-2.026-2.25-7.879-1.576-5.852 0.676-9.228 0.676-8.103-1.125 1.126-1.8 2.476-3.601 3.151-3.826 0.676-0.225 2.25-1.35 1.124-1.8-1.124-0.451-2.25-1.125-4.95-1.351-2.702-0.225-2.478 0.9-6.528 0.45-4.051-0.45 2.251-1.575-6.076-1.35-8.328 0.226-10.354 0.9-11.254 0.9-0.901 0-2.027-1.8-4.277 0.9-2.251 2.701-5.404 4.276-9.904 4.501-4.501 0.226-4.727-0.45-9.002 1.125-4.277 1.575-6.979-0.45-6.078 3.151 0.899 3.601 2.026 4.952 2.026 5.627s-2.026 5.177-4.501 2.476c-2.478-2.701-6.979-13.28-4.953-6.077 2.025 7.202 6.526 9.679 2.251 10.804-4.276 1.125-3.828-0.45-4.503-0.901-0.674-0.45 0-3.601-0.225-5.402-0.226-1.8-0.675-2.926-1.575-3.826-0.899-0.901-0.676-2.251-2.476-2.701-1.801-0.45-0.225-1.351-3.151-1.351s-5.401-1.801-4.726 2.251c0.674 4.051 1.349 1.351 3.149 5.177s5.177 1.125 2.702 3.826c-2.476 2.701-9.003 1.801-10.579 0.676-1.576-1.126-1.125 0.45-4.053-1.576-2.926-2.026-2.024-3.602-5.4-2.026s-4.502 4.502-5.853 3.376-4.501 1.575-5.627 0.226c-1.126-1.351-5.628-1.351-6.527 0-0.901 1.35-3.602 1.125-7.428 2.926-3.826 1.8-2.702 0.224-7.428 4.051-4.728 3.826-7.429 6.977-9.003 4.501-1.576-2.475-10.13-6.752-6.753-7.428 3.377-0.675 4.952-2.025 6.753-0.45s4.728 1.126 5.176 0c0.45-1.126 2.477-2.251-0.225-3.601-2.701-1.351-2.926-0.451-7.202-2.026-4.277-1.576 0-1.125-5.853-2.026-5.852-0.9-8.329-1.35-9.904-1.8-1.574-0.45-3.826 0-6.076-0.225-2.252-0.225-3.826-0.675-5.853-0.45-2.025 0.225-3.15-0.225-5.852 1.801s-4.728 2.926-6.528 4.501-6.526 4.727-7.877 5.853c-1.351 1.125-6.078 4.726-6.528 6.077s0.45 2.476-1.351 3.376c-1.801 0.9-3.601 0.9-4.952 1.125s0-2.026-1.351 0.225c-1.35 2.251-0.9 10.354 0.225 9.228s0.45-4.726 5.402-1.349c4.952 3.375 8.104 2.925 7.878 6.076-0.225 3.151 3.376 2.926 3.826 3.602 0.45 0.674 2.701-0.901 2.701-0.901s4.952-3.151 4.952-4.726c0-1.576 3.151-5.177 3.151-5.177s-2.252-1.125-2.252-3.376c0-2.25 0.677-2.927 1.126-5.178 0.45-2.25-2.476 0.001 4.277-4.277 6.751-4.276 7.202-1.349 7.202-1.349s0.899 0.9-0.226 2.25c-1.125 1.351-3.151 4.953-3.601 5.402-0.451 0.451 2.026 4.052 3.15 4.052 1.126 0 3.377-0.901 4.728-0.676 1.351 0.226 3.601-0.674 4.276-0.224 0.676 0.45 2.251 1.8 1.125 2.926-1.125 1.125-3.602 2.475-5.401 2.026-1.802-0.449-4.503-3.602-2.927 0.9s-0.225 5.627-1.576 5.402c-1.349-0.225-4.276-2.475-3.826 0.901 0.451 3.375-2.925 5.626-3.601 5.626s-2.025-0.225-2.025-0.225-2.027-0.226-3.151-0.226c-1.126 0-3.377 1.125-4.052 2.026-0.676 0.9-1.576 0.226-2.701 0.226s0-1.351-2.251-1.801c-2.25-0.45-3.601-0.9-4.951 0-1.351 0.9-3.376 1.35-4.277 0.675-0.9-0.675 0.451-2.252-1.351-1.35-1.8 0.9-3.151 3.376-3.826 3.602-0.675 0.224 2.026 0-0.675 0.224-2.701 0.226-3.826 0.902-5.177 1.351-1.351 0.451 0.45 3.151-2.026 4.051s-0.674-1.125-3.151 0.9c-2.476 2.027-2.927 3.827-3.826 4.052-0.901 0.226-0.675 0.675-2.701 0.9s-1.8 0.45-2.927 0.675c-1.125 0.225 0.226 0.676-2.25 0.225-2.477-0.45-4.277 0.451-3.827 1.351s8.778 3.376 2.476 3.151-4.276 0.9-2.926 1.8c1.351 0.9 2.025 1.8 2.701 2.026 0.676 0.225 1.8 2.927 1.8 2.927s1.801-0.226 0.676 1.35c-1.125 1.576 0.45 2.026-0.676 4.052-1.125 2.026-1.125 0.675-2.025 1.125-0.9 0.449-2.251 2.026-4.728 0.675-2.476-1.351-4.275-2.026-7.202-2.25-2.926-0.226-0.901-0.675-2.926 0.899-2.026 1.577-2.476 3.377-2.25 5.402 0.225 2.025 0.45 4.727-0.226 6.078-0.675 1.35-0.675 2.701-0.226 4.727 0.451 2.025 1.802 2.927 1.802 2.927s3.151 0.449 3.826 0.675c0.675 0.225 2.026-0.45 3.826 0.674 1.801 1.126 3.602 1.577 4.727 0.226 1.125-1.35 5.627-2.926 6.979-4.276 1.35-1.351 2.25-1.8 1.575-3.151s1.351-4.727 2.476-5.402 3.601-1.351 3.601-1.351l2.701-4.051s2.251-2.477 3.376-2.251c1.125 0.225 7.427 2.477 6.978-0.449-0.45-2.927 0.45-3.827 1.125-2.702s2.476 0.675 2.476 0.675 0.9-0.449 1.575 0.226c0.675 0.674 1.575 3.602 2.926 4.276 1.351 0.676 2.476 1.351 3.377 1.8 0.9 0.451 1.801 0 3.602 1.576 1.8 1.576 3.601 2.477 3.825 3.151 0.227 0.675 1.802 2.251 1.802 2.251s1.575 0.45 1.125 1.351c-0.45 0.9-2.7 3.602-3.826 4.051-1.126 0.45-4.051-0.451-2.926 0.45 1.124 0.9 2.701 2.026 3.376 1.35 0.676-0.675 4.951-5.177 4.951-5.177s-0.225 0.225 0-1.126c0.226-1.349 0-2.925 1.126-2.25 1.125 0.676 1.801 1.576 2.251 0.676 0.45-0.901 0.9-0.45-0.226-1.125-1.126-0.676-3.826-4.502-5.177-4.727-1.351-0.226-4.728-2.477-4.728-2.477s-0.674-0.675-2.25-2.475c-1.576-1.801-2.025-1.351-2.477-2.927-0.449-1.575-1.801-3.601 0.676-3.151s4.051 2.025 6.302 3.376 1.802 1.8 3.827 3.151 2.252 2.702 3.826 2.477c1.575-0.225 3.377 0.9 3.377 2.926s0.449 4.276 0.899 4.727c0.451 0.451 1.8 1.351 2.251 2.251 0.45 0.9 1.351 3.151 2.025 4.051 0.676 0.9 1.351 1.576 2.026 2.702 0.675 1.125 0.9-0.226 1.575 0.225 0.676 0.45 1.576 0.224 1.576-0.676s0.224-2.476 0.224-2.476 3.153-0.9 2.253-1.351c-0.901-0.45-3.603-3.151-3.377-4.051 0.225-0.9 0-2.7 1.124-2.475 1.126 0.224 2.252 2.25 4.728 0.449s5.402-2.701 4.501 0c-0.899 2.701 0.227 3.15 0 6.077-0.224 2.927 0.902 2.026 2.478 3.602 1.575 1.576 2.7 1.802 3.825 2.251 1.126 0.451 2.926 0.226 4.728 0.451 1.801 0.225 2.926-0.676 4.502-0.225 1.574 0.45 5.176-0.226 5.852 0.225 0.676 0.45 3.377-0.9 3.601 0.675 0.225 1.576 1.126-0.225 0.451 3.376s-1.576 6.077-1.576 6.077c-2.476 4.727-3.376 5.853-4.502 6.078-1.124 0.225-1.8 0.9-3.825 0.675-2.026-0.226-4.502 0-7.428-0.675-2.926-0.676-8.329 0.675-10.579-0.676-2.251-1.35-5.402-0.225-6.754-1.8-1.35-1.576-3.6-1.351-4.501-2.251-0.9-0.9-1.35-3.375-1.35 0.226 0 3.602-2.026 3.826-2.476 5.627-0.451 1.8 0.674 0.9-1.802 0.675-2.476-0.226-3.151 1.125-6.752-1.575-3.602-2.701-5.402-2.701-7.202-3.827-1.802-1.126-3.602 2.025-5.402-1.575-1.801-3.602-4.277-0.676-4.502-3.602-0.225-2.927 0-2.7 0.225-4.501 0.227-1.801 2.701-3.376 1.576-4.051-1.126-0.675-0.226-1.801-1.801-1.125-1.576 0.675-3.826 0.9-5.627 1.575-1.801 0.676 4.051 0-4.727 0.676-8.778 0.675-11.255 1.575-11.255 1.575s-0.675-0.45-1.801 0.45c-1.125 0.9-2.701 2.251-4.276 1.576-1.575-0.676-2.476-0.451-3.826-0.225-1.351 0.225-2.25-1.125-3.826 0-1.576 1.124-3.376 1.575-4.052 1.124-0.7-0.46-1.83-2.26-1.83-2.26z"/>
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0.675 0.9 1.351 0 0.675 0.901-1.576 0.901 2.475 0 4.052 1.125 6.528 1.125 6.528s1.575 3.377 2.25 2.701c0.675-0.675 2.025-2.475 2.025-2.475s2.251-1.351 0.676-6.078c-1.576-4.726-0.45-6.077-0.9-7.653-0.451-1.576-0.451-2.477 2.25-4.502s9.228-6.527 10.804-7.427c1.575-0.9 5.176-3.376 5.176-3.376s1.35-0.675 1.576-2.476c0.225-1.8 4.501-4.952 4.727-5.852s3.152-3.15 3.152-3.15 3.15-1.802 2.925-2.926c-0.225-1.125 4.052-3.15 4.727-3.15s4.277 1.124 4.277-0.902c0-2.025 0-2.476 2.251-4.276 2.25-1.8 5.176-4.502 6.302-4.502 1.125 0 4.952-2.024 6.527-2.475 1.576-0.451 6.528-2.702 2.026 0-4.502 2.7-1.576 1.125-2.476 3.376-0.899 2.25-1.576 5.177 2.701 1.8 4.277-3.376 4.051-4.052 5.627-4.276 1.576-0.225 0.45 0.675 3.826-0.451 3.377-1.125 3.602-1.575 3.602-1.575s1.576-1.351 0.675-2.025c-0.9-0.676 0.901-1.576-2.476-0.226-3.376 1.351-3.151 1.576-5.402 0.9-2.25-0.675-5.627-0.451-3.151-2.702 2.476-2.25 5.627-2.926 3.601-3.826-2.025-0.9-7.202 0.226-7.877 0.45-0.676 0.225-2.251-0.225-3.602 0-1.35 0.225-0.9-1.799 0-2.25 0.901-0.451 3.827-1.802 7.428-2.702s12.38-1.125 14.405-1.125 4.726 0.451 6.302-0.675c1.575-1.125 4.727-2.925 5.177-3.827 0.451-0.9 2.251-2.25 2.251-2.25s2.025-2.026 0.9-2.926c-1.125-0.9-2.251-2.926-3.151-2.476s-0.224 3.152-2.025 0.225c-1.801-2.925-1.576-3.376-2.476-4.051s-1.801-0.226-1.125-3.376c0.675-3.151 0.45-4.502 0.45-4.502s0.675-2.7 0-2.925c-0.676-0.226-1.125-0.9-2.25-0.226-1.126 0.675-7.428 3.827-8.778 4.502-1.351 0.675-3.152-2.701-2.477-4.276 0.676-1.577 0.225-0.676-0.675-2.926-0.9-2.251-4.501-2.702-5.852-2.702s-4.501-2.026-5.402-0.675c-0.9 1.35-5.626 5.626-6.528 6.077-0.9 0.451-2.25-3.826-2.925 3.151-0.676 6.979 2.476 9.004-1.125 9.454s-6.753 2.475-6.753 2.475-2.925 0.226-2.925 2.026c0 1.802-1.125 6.077-2.477 6.527-1.35 0.451-4.727-0.224-5.852-1.575s0.225-6.302 0.225-6.302l2.026-2.026s-14.405-2.25-14.181-3.151c0.226-0.9-4.276-2.475-4.726-3.826s-0.676-4.277-0.225-5.402c0.45-1.125 6.527-6.527 9.678-7.652 3.151-1.126 8.553-3.601 10.129-4.052 1.576-0.45 4.276-0.225 5.177-1.35 0.9-1.126 1.125-3.151 1.125-3.151s-0.45-3.152 0.45-2.702c0.9 0.451 2.476 1.126 2.701 1.801 0.226 0.675 0.226 2.251 1.801 0.449 1.576-1.8 3.602-2.476 5.402-3.375 1.801-0.901 4.501-0.675 6.078-1.575 1.575-0.9 4.276-1.801 4.501-4.052 0.225-2.25-0.675-1.575-1.801-1.801-1.125-0.224 0.45 0.226-3.376 2.026-3.827 1.8-2.701 0.45-5.402 1.8-2.701 1.351-2.927 1.576-3.151 0.451-0.226-1.126 0.45-2.926 0.45-2.926s0.226-0.226-1.35-0.675c-1.576-0.45-1.576 0.225-1.801-1.8-0.225-2.026 1.125-4.952-1.125-4.052-2.251 0.9-4.276-0.675-5.852 3.826s-6.978 9.229-8.329 8.103c-1.35-1.125-1.575-1.351-2.701-1.351s-2.701-1.35-4.727-1.575-8.104-0.225-9.678 0c-1.576 0.226-3.376-0.9-4.728 0.451-1.35 1.35-3.375 3.151-3.375 3.827 0 0.675-2.026-2.477-2.701-2.251-0.675 0.225-2.477-0.9-4.501-0.9-2.026 0-3.377-1.126-4.051-1.126-0.675 0 0.674-1.801 0-2.026-0.675-0.224-15.307-0.675-15.307-0.675s-4.726-1.8-6.526-1.575c-1.801 0.225-6.752 0.449-10.58 1.125-3.827 0.675-9.454 2.926-11.254 3.151-1.801 0.226-5.852 0.226-6.527-0.9-0.676-1.125 0.225-0.9-0.676-1.125-0.9-0.224-0.224-0.675-2.25-2.25-2.026-1.576 0.901-2.926-3.151-2.926-4.051 0-6.527-0.226-10.128 0-3.602 0.225-11.029 2.025-11.929 1.8s-8.103 1.126-9.229 0.451c-1.125-0.676-6.753 2.475-7.877 2.25-1.125-0.225-5.402 0.226-6.527 0.901-1.126 0.676-6.528 2.025-4.727 3.151 1.8 1.125 1.575 2.25 1.8 2.926 0.226 0.675-1.8 2.25-1.8 2.25s-0.451 0-2.926-0.9c-2.476-0.901-5.177-1.35-6.303-0.675-1.125 0.675-3.151 2.027-2.701 2.927 0.451 0.9 3.601 2.926 4.052 2.25 0.45-0.675 1.576-2.025 2.926-1.8 1.351 0.226 3.377-0.9 1.576 1.351-1.801 2.25-3.377 3.376-4.502 3.602-1.125 0.224-3.826 0.449-6.302 0.675-2.477 0.226-2.252-0.9-4.502 1.351-2.25 2.25-3.151 0.9-3.601 3.376-0.45 2.475-0.9 2.475 0 3.151 0.9 0.675-1.801 0.9 0.225 1.575 2.025 0.676 4.501 1.351 4.276 2.025-0.226 0.676 2.251-0.899 0.9 0.9-1.351 1.802-2.25 3.376 0.45 1.576 2.701-1.8 4.276-0.451 6.527-1.576s4.502-1.35 5.852-2.25c1.351-0.901 2.026-2.25 4.052-2.927 2.026-0.675 0.675 0.226 0.9 1.351s0 1.35 1.351 0.449c1.35-0.9 1.35-0.224 3.151-1.35 1.8-1.125 3.826-2.251 5.177-1.576 1.35 0.676 1.8 0.676 2.701 0.676 0.9 0-1.125-0.226 0.9 0 2.026 0.224-0.9-0.676 5.852 0.9 6.753 1.575 8.554 0.45 9.003 2.926 0.451 2.476 1.351-0.226 2.476 1.35 1.125 1.575 1.801 0.226 2.476 2.926 0.675 2.702 0 10.129-0.45 11.029s-0.675 0.9-0.45 2.926c0.225 2.025 2.926 11.705 2.026 12.379s-2.926 0.9-2.926 0.9l-1.125 4.051s-1.8 3.376-3.376 5.177c-1.576 1.8-3.601 4.052-4.727 5.626-1.125 1.576-2.026 4.278-3.601 5.853s-2.926 0.9-2.476 4.276 0 6.977 0.45 9.454c0.451 2.476 1.576 5.852 2.476 7.203 0.9 1.35 1.576 1.35 3.151 2.475 1.576 1.125 3.602 2.477 3.376 3.602-0.225 1.125 0.225 8.104 0.225 8.104s1.351 2.25 1.575 4.726c0.226 2.477 1.801 4.952 1.801 4.952l1.351 2.927s0.675 0.226 1.576 2.025c0.9 1.801 0.9 1.801 1.125 2.7 0.226 0.902 0.226 0.676 0.226 0.902 0 0.224-0.226-3.827-0.676-4.953-0.45-1.125-0.45-2.475-0.9-3.826s0.225-2.927-1.125-4.952-1.35-2.251-2.025-4.277c-0.675-2.025-1.576-4.276-0.675-4.727 0.9-0.449 1.575-3.375 3.376 0 1.8 3.376 2.026 2.477 2.251 5.178 0.224 2.701 0.9 3.602 1.575 4.726 0.675 1.125 2.25 4.953 3.151 6.527 0.9 1.576 0-0.9 2.025 2.251 2.026 3.151 2.252 3.826 3.377 6.302s1.801 2.476 2.476 4.276c0.675 1.802 0.225 1.351-0.226 3.376-0.45 2.025 0.45 4.277 0.45 4.277s3.151 1.125 3.376 1.8c0.225 0.675 3.376 1.8 3.827 2.701 0.45 0.901 3.376 2.025 3.376 2.025s2.476 1.576 3.375 2.026c0.901 0.45 3.603 0.901 3.603 0.901s1.8 0.451 2.475 0.675c0.675 0.225 2.701 0.225 2.701 0.225s1.801-1.35 2.476-0.9c0.675 0.449 2.251-0.901 2.926 0.224 0.675 1.126 2.026 1.126 2.701 2.027 0.675 0.9 1.35 0.9 2.476 2.025s2.251 0.9 3.376 1.8c1.125 0.9 2.025 0.9 3.376 0.9 1.35 0 1.35 0 2.251 0.226 0.899 0.225 1.35-0.676 2.25 0.451 0.9 1.125 1.575 1.8 2.25 2.925s2.251 1.125 2.476 2.926c0.225 1.8 0.675 1.577 0.675 3.151 0 1.576 0.9 2.251 1.576 2.702 0.674 0.449 3.15 2.699 3.15 2.699l3.376 0.676 2.701 2.026 2.85 0.9z"/>
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<h3>Office Locations:</h3>
<ul id="locations" class="disc">
<li>Toronto Ontario Canada</li>
<li>San Antonio TX USA</li>
<li>Sao Paulo Brazil</li>
<li>London England</li>
<li>Bangalore India</li>
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Due to the nature of this demonstration, it is best
viewed full screen